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A New World

27 Mar 2020 10:44 AM | Kelita Alberts (Administrator)

Good morning

We are happy to see the end of this week.  AND what a week it was...

Our new normal is to work from home, and the creativity and ingenuity of small businesses has been heartwarming. Who knew that social distancing and self-quarantine would be so enlightening. This situation has taught us all to be more patient, be willing to learn new technologies, to think outside the box, or in this case throw out everything you ever knew and START FRESH!

21st Century technology is for everyone, not just the kiddos. Ask Judge Fischer about learning how to Skype. Think of all of the retail businesses who have moved to an online format to sell items. What about the businesses willing to set up face to face appointments or personal shopping experiences? Even Brookshire Brothers is going to be able to do CURB SIDE SERVICE. 

In two weeks our world has changed.  Is it better? Maybe so, Maybe no. Only time will tell, but I guarantee every business will look at their employees differently. Every business will be more accepting of the flexible, work from home model. Every business that had to lock their front doors to customers is sad because those daily visitors are what make us smile and feel connected.

Tell your story... How are you being impacted by this corona virus challenge? How will you change doing business in the future? What have you learned in the past two weeks that you didn't know before?

We learned that our website needed some TLC. Kelita is on the job making it a clearing house for information. The amount of information we have received is like drinking from a fire hose. So much at once and a lot of times conflicting. We are trying to vet the documents and send the most important information you need.

We are here to help you. The community support has been amazing! Let's continue to work hard for the good of everyone. 

Giddings is open for business, but you may want to call ahead, or make an appointment. Lots of our local restaurants have been doing great to-go specials and many fast food places have their apps which makes ordering ahead easy. Check out our restaurant list on the website. for times and phone numbers. 

Thank you to all of our many local citizens who have stepped up to volunteer in so many ways to help make our community better! 

Denice Harlan, PCED, IOM

Executive Director

Giddings Chamber of Commerce
183 E. Hempstead
Giddings, TX 78942
Located in the Lee County Museum, off the Courthouse Square

Contact:  (979) 542-3455
Chamber email:
Tourism email:

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