It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Cooler temperatures have returned to give us a small respite from the hot, muggy Texas Spring. We have some wonderful events coming up in the next week or two that should get you out and about!
Thursday, March 3-5th is the Lee County Junior Livestock Show and Sale located at the Lee County Sheriff's Posse Arena and Livestock Show Barn.
Thursday, March 3rd is the Community Blood Drive at Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE! 8am to 2pm and bring your ID, remember to eat a meal before donating.
Giddings Community
08:00 AM -02:00 PM
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Fellowship Hall
Immanuel Lutheran Church
299 North Leon
Giddings, TX 78942
CLICK HERE or call (512) 206-1316 to schedule your appointment!
For questions contact:
Debbie Malinak
(979) 542-7960
Friday, March 4th is the Dedication of the Jeff Dock Child Development Center(formerly Head Start)
Saturday, March 5th is the Emmett Hannes 5K sponsored by the Rotary Club of Giddings
Sunday, March 6th is the American Legion BBQ
American Legion Barbecue
Sunday, March 6, 2016
at American Legion Hall, 1502 S. Hwy 77
Meat by the pound at 10:00am
beef and pork
Serving begins at 11:00am
Adult plate dine in - $9.00
Child plate (under 12) dine in - $4.00
All to-go plates - $9.00
Dessert included
sponsored by American Legion York Post #276
Monday, March 7th is Country Music Monday - Lone Star Opry at the Giddings High School Cafetorium
Tuesday, March 8th is the Retired Teachers meeting
Friday, March 11th is the Chamber Luncheon featuring Roy Burger, movie producer, actor, stuntman. Giddings Downtown Restaurant at 11am. Bring your business cards and be ready to talk about your business. We will meet in the new meeting room.
Saturday, March 12th is the Special Olympic at Buffalo Stadium
Tuesday, March 29th is Achievement Now Seminar with Craig Krause. He always brings fun and learning to our Lunch N Learns.
Thursday, March 31st is your chance to learn about the Chamber Tour to the Wine Country with Mayflower Tours! Come hear about this great trip and book your tour.
Denice Harlan, IOM
Executive Director