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Learn about CARTS & your Entrepreneurial DNA

05 Jul 2013 5:15 PM | Kelita Alberts (Administrator)


Just a few reminders for the weekend and upcoming week –

Tuesday, July 9th at 6pm – Lee County Transportation Workshop featuring CARTS is at the Giddings Public Library, 276 N. Orange(FM 141). Explore Our Services and Help us plan for the future. CARTS is a non-profit transportation system for Texans. Anyone can use CARTS. Call for a ride – 1-800-456-RIDE(7433) or check us out on the web at

Thursday, July 11th Rotary Club of Giddings will host their annual Golf Tournament at Giddings Municipal Golf Course.  Contact Mark Johnson to register.

Saturday, July 13th – Festival Hill will host their finale concert of the Summer Institute in Round Top.  This is the most beautiful place to hear music and hope everyone has an opportunity to attend.

Tuesday, July 16th Regular Chamber Board of Directors meeting is held every Third Tuesday of each month. Members are welcome. We are still accepting applications for board members. Board elections will be held the first week of August.  Any member in good standing is eligible to run for a position on the board.  Contact the Chamber office for details.

Friday, July 19th Entrepreneurial DNA Lunch N Learn featuring Jana Owen.  We will meet from 11am to 1pm at Giddings Downtown Restaurant.  Dutch Lunch allows everyone to join in and keep it simple.

ARE YOU IN? How do you spread the news about your products & services?  Join us for the greatest networking opportunity around! Intentional Networking is the process of learning who is doing business in your community. The better acquainted you are with your local business owners and operators, the better you will be able to refer customers to them.  As we all know today, it is not what you know, but who you know.  Your customers are actively searching for the products and services you provide, but when you don’t have what they are looking for, you can make a huge impact on them by sending them to someone you know and trust.  That means, when you refer them to another local business that carries the product they want you are making your customer happy and creating a friend in the industry. Let us help you be part of the IN crowd.  Attend one of our networking events and meet fellow business owners you need to know!


Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now."

-- P. T. Barnum


Giddings Chamber of Commerce
183 E. Hempstead
Giddings, TX 78942
Located in the Lee County Museum, off the Courthouse Square

Contact:  (979) 542-3455
Chamber email:
Tourism email:

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