We want you to see our newest addition to the Museum collection! Calvin & Brennice Koether are so kind to donate their Southern Pacific Railroad items to the museum. We are going to honor them with a ROOTIN’ TOOTIN” ROOT BEER FLOAT party! Jonathan Socha is providing us with some good ole Triple X Root Beer and I will go get some Blue Bell!
It will be great to see him with his train at the Union Station Transportation Museum. Calvin worked on the railroad for many, many years. He would love to see you!
Friends of the Depot-Giddings, Texas
& The Giddings Chamber of Commerce
Invite you to the
Union Station Transportation Museum for
Triple XXX Root Beer Floats!
October 23, 2012 at 2PM
289 W. Railroad Ave.
We are going to have a Rootin’ Tootin’ good time!
Come see the Calvin Koether Collectible Train.