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Traffic and Patience

20 Apr 2021 4:36 PM | Kelita Alberts (Administrator)

Talking about traffic seems to be a more and more regular occurrence. Lot's of days I don't even get on Hwy 290 or 77 because I can stay on the side streets to go to work and back. We can see the road from our office and recognize that the traffic is slowed down to a crawl as it passes by. We know that some of it is the fact that there are more people on the roads today than ever before. Compound the amount of drivers with the length of red lights, and green lights, and then add in intermittent trains running through town on average of 10-20 times per day. 

Sometimes there are more, and sometimes there are less, but you can be sure that if you are in a hurry or late, there will be a train. For those of us who travel to and from work on the side streets, the train is of no concern. But for the student late for school, or the employee late for work, or the person who is trying to reach the appointment on time, a train is just a nuisance. This too shall pass. It is a lesson in patience. 

Many of us are challenged in the patience department. I, for one, have learned to be patient after many years of being extremely impatient. I learned that it doesn't pay to get upset or to scream at the train. I learned to leave earlier... If I plan on being somewhere on time... haha! I have to leave early so that I can get there in time. I am courteous and do not arrive too early because that is rude, but I am on time for sure now. And I have a lot less stress. That is my goal for this week. Less Stress!

Reminder to you -

On April 30-May 1st is the Lexington Homecoming! Fun stuff to do all over Lee County.

We are loving all of our beautiful plants around the office from Altman. Thanks to Deb's Flowerbeds and Landscaping for keeping it looking pretty!

We look forward to rain this week!

Giddings Chamber of Commerce
183 E. Hempstead
Giddings, TX 78942
Located in the Lee County Museum, off the Courthouse Square

Contact:  (979) 542-3455
Chamber email:
Tourism email:

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